
Basement Remodel and Planning

By |2025-01-05T04:06:27+00:00May 17th, 2020|Basement Remodeling|

When you get ready for your basement remodel, this is where you get more freedom to be expressive and creative. On your upstairs design, there are common requirements regarding having a living room, kitchen, dining area, etc. But in the basement, you can have the freedom to choose according to your wish how you want

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Winter Remodeling Ideas

By |2023-10-29T21:21:42+00:00January 15th, 2020|Remodeling Ideas|

After the fun filled holidays are over, you miss the "warmth" of the celebrations. But the first few months of the year may seem colder because of reduced activity other than your regular mundane work. The slump of the winter lull doesn't have to get you down. This is a great time to take

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Proper Insulation Installation of Your Basement Helps Combat Cold Weather

By |2025-01-05T04:08:23+00:00December 9th, 2019|Basement Remodeling, Energy Efficiency|

With much of the winter in the single digits, our part of the nation gets an extra boost of the cold weather compared to other areas. The arctic blast that brings in that rapid freeze-up is a sure concern for homeowners regarding their heating costs. But you can combat this situation by properly insulating your

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Lindenhurst residents can save on energy by adding insulation

By |2023-05-17T16:08:25+00:00November 25th, 2019|Energy Efficiency|

Rising energy costs and the instability of the economy puts a huge strain on Lindenhurst residents. The cost of owning a home goes much beyond just the initial purchase. There are even choices available regarding your energy source. But when homes are not sufficiently insulated, you end up wasting energy and paying more for heating and cooling.

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Vernon Hills beats energy costs with an energy efficient upgrade

By |2023-10-29T20:52:24+00:00November 19th, 2019|Energy Efficiency|

Losses can creep up on you without recognizing what's happening. You go on with your daily tasks as you normally do, but your bills seem to rack up as a surprise. It increases gradually, but after a while, you're spending more on your utility bills than you have ever done before. All this time,

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